Eggless wheat bun

Wheat flour-2 cup
Yeast-1 tsp
Warm milk-11/4cup
Milk powder-2tbsp
salt a pinch
Oil-as needed
Add yeast,honey to luke warm milk and keep for ten minutes for fermenting.After ten minutes pour the frothy mixture to to the flour and add salt and milk powder and start kneading and make a smooth dough.Add pil or melted butter in between and knead and keep in a warm place applying oil on the dough and covered with a tea towel for two hours for raising.After two hours take the doubled up dough and punch out the air and start kneading.for about ten minutes.Make six smooth balls and keep on tray set for baking and cover with a wet towel and keep for 45mins in warm place for proofing.After 45mins brush the proofed dough balls with coldmilk and bake them in preheated oven of 180c for 25 mins.
Apply butter on top once out from oven...Your soft eggless yum wheat buns are ready😊


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